Welcome to Feral. We like our beers like we like our metaphors: heavy.
The nature of Feral is to cast domesticity aside and embrace the wild. To tear apart and destroy terrains and forge new environments for the benefit of the herd, and the continuation of our species. It is to be uncompromising, untamed, and downright unapologetic: a way of life born from raw, natural instincts and perfected by thousands of years of evolution. And to be free to wear short shorts on a Friday.
berobed, chanting, in a dank basement, under the repressive gaze of a monastic religious doctrine beer for beers sake; serving a role, without fanfare, for the needs of the modern village.
These age old traditions steer our view of the world, and the terrain we wish to mark and protect, and we translate these philosophies into brewing proper, legacy beers.

And let’s be clear. We aren’t a craft brewery, we’re a brewery; we don’t brew craft beer, we brew beer.
We champion simple,
So, kick off your boots, grab a cold beer and soak in that serenity – and join us on the edge. You’re in good company. We brew beer.

We speak one language: the migratory habits of the notoriously reclusive winged bush pig current Feral key-ring stocks, we look forward to hearing/reading from you.
Write to us @ PO Box 3265, BASSENDEAN WA 6942 or at beer@feralbrewing.com.au
(08) 9296 2337